Donor Index — Bingothon Summer 2023

Donor TotalAscDsc (Count)AscDsc MaxAscDsc/AvgAscDsc Donation
Team17 $628.00 (1) $628.00/$628.00
Drybeer $189.00 (3) $116.00/$63.00
Harlen Sinclair $125.00 (2) $75.00/$62.50
GoldenDevil1711 $122.00 (2) $72.00/$61.00
HALFandDOUBLE $120.00 (1) $120.00/$120.00
tr1cks $88.00 (1) $88.00/$88.00
pink_batman12 $70.00 (2) $40.00/$35.00
HD $54.00 (5) $34.00/$10.80
ArielFabulous $50.00 (1) $50.00/$50.00
Jenkar $50.00 (1) $50.00/$50.00
Robthegamer115 $50.00 (1) $50.00/$50.00
Pikastroff $42.00 (6) $20.00/$7.00
ADN $35.00 (2) $30.00/$17.50
thedmpanda74 $30.00 (1) $30.00/$30.00
Rexy $30.00 (1) $30.00/$30.00
NYGamer $20.00 (1) $20.00/$20.00
justcallmeMB $15.00 (2) $11.00/$7.50
Estie $15.00 (1) $15.00/$15.00
Floha258 $15.00 (3) $5.00/$5.00
Zet $15.00 (2) $10.00/$7.50
myserval $15.00 (1) $15.00/$15.00
Wolfieheart $15.00 (1) $15.00/$15.00
Cuth the Genshin Race Champ $10.00 (2) $5.00/$5.00
CallmeLizz $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
The Dread Pirate Beigebeard $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
Jeroen $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
Riek $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
LordFizzlebeef $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
Matty $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
BTF_Flotsam $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
TVS $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
xWinG $2.00 (1) $2.00/$2.00

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Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
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