Donor Index — Bingothon Summer 2021

Donor TotalAscDsc (Count)AscDsc MaxAscDsc/AvgAscDsc Donation
TinyTim $251.00 (1) $251.00/$251.00
tr1cks $234.00 (7) $100.00/$33.43
Ghost_Alchemist $142.00 (5) $42.00/$28.40
Pikastroff $115.00 (9) $50.00/$12.78
31JSON $100.00 (2) $50.00/$50.00
wjg999 $93.00 (3) $33.00/$31.00
Nae $75.00 (2) $50.00/$37.50
MoD366 $72.00 (3) $44.00/$24.00
Nordic $62.00 (2) $42.00/$31.00
dtops $60.00 (2) $50.00/$30.00
nicnacnic $54.69 (2) $50.00/$27.34
The Lemon Fairy $50.00 (1) $50.00/$50.00
GoldenDevil1711 $50.00 (1) $50.00/$50.00
RickyofKokiri $50.00 (1) $50.00/$50.00
Kirthar $50.00 (1) $50.00/$50.00
Romrom21 $50.00 (1) $50.00/$50.00
Zet $44.70 (6) $23.70/$7.45
Phospho $35.00 (2) $25.00/$17.50
Xemsys $34.00 (1) $34.00/$34.00
Faenissa $32.00 (1) $32.00/$32.00
socktopus $30.00 (1) $30.00/$30.00
notEphim $28.00 (3) $23.00/$9.33
7thAce $25.00 (1) $25.00/$25.00
Gamecmdr $25.00 (1) $25.00/$25.00
lepelog $25.00 (1) $25.00/$25.00
CaveL1ghter50 $25.00 (1) $25.00/$25.00
Eclapricious $25.00 (1) $25.00/$25.00
Rob $20.00 (1) $20.00/$20.00
Ibot02 $20.00 (1) $20.00/$20.00
JammyPat $16.00 (3) $6.00/$5.33
justcallmeMB $15.00 (1) $15.00/$15.00
Pirate dad $15.00 (1) $15.00/$15.00
Floha258 $14.90 (6) $6.90/$2.48
Paulister $13.00 (2) $10.00/$6.50
Lexichu_ $12.00 (1) $12.00/$12.00
Jack Of Hearts22 $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
BlackICE $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
Alpha_Lobster $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
Cuh Buh Fuh $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
twinkachu183 $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
Zweda $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
Vlad $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
MagicalLancerFreya $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
Jackalacka $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
luigi100 $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
Axington123 $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
ShadowFrost $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
Thedmpanda $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
HabKeineName $10.00 (1) $10.00/$10.00
"skog" $5.61 (3) $2.28/$1.87

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