Donation Index — Bingothon Summer 2021
Total (Count): $2,237.90 (115) — Max/Avg Donation: $251.00/$19.46

Name Time ReceivedAscDsc AmountAscDsc Comment
Gamecmdr 2021-05-28T17:48:58.500469+02:00 $25.00 Yes
Thedmpanda 2021-05-28T17:40:05.496442+02:00 $10.00 Yes
Axington123 2021-05-28T15:56:03.256846+02:00 $10.00 Yes
(Anonymous) 2021-05-28T15:21:22.030424+02:00 $10.00 Yes
Ryddyx 2021-05-28T14:44:39.615836+02:00 $5.00 Yes
The Lemon Fairy 2021-05-28T14:39:54.921442+02:00 $50.00 Yes
Ibot02 2021-05-28T14:30:11.704717+02:00 $20.00 Yes
notEphim 2021-05-28T14:03:59.562974+02:00 $1.00 Yes
Amei 2021-05-28T13:43:26.471029+02:00 $5.00 Yes
(Anonymous) 2021-05-28T13:17:06.870250+02:00 $5.00 No
dtops 2021-05-28T13:16:12.965023+02:00 $50.00 Yes
Andi 2021-05-28T13:15:58.040083+02:00 $5.00 Yes
Romrom21 2021-05-28T13:03:45.491389+02:00 $50.00 Yes
HabKeineName 2021-05-28T13:02:50.040529+02:00 $10.00 Yes
Floha258 2021-05-28T01:08:11.918016+02:00 $1.00 Yes

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