Game: Drakengard 2
Bid: Increase Difficulty Tier Of Bingo Card (Tier 1) Total: $100.23 Goal: $100.00

If met, MASH will use a bingo card difficulty tier that is one tier more difficult than currently planned, making the run much more challenging! If met, yet another difficulty may be met...
NameAscDsc Time ReceivedAscDsc AmountAscDsc
Amei 2024-12-08T18:05:06.170525+01:00 $8.00
Pikastroff 2024-12-08T16:42:12.033196+01:00 $10.00
kalliope 2024-12-08T15:31:29.729282+01:00 $5.00
kalliope 2024-12-08T15:26:12.535132+01:00 $5.00
lepelog 2024-12-08T15:21:57.467707+01:00 $10.00
Zet 2024-12-08T15:06:55.397635+01:00 $8.23
MASH 2024-12-08T11:26:23.335982+01:00 $18.00
Floha258 2024-12-08T09:50:49.626019+01:00 $13.00
Charbunny 2024-12-08T09:32:32.360838+01:00 $18.00
Amei 2024-12-07T21:13:55.048330+01:00 $5.00

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Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty