Donor Index — All Events

Donor TotalAscDsc (Count)AscDsc MaxAscDsc/AvgAscDsc Donation
Not2Dey $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
Tabs $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
Chiggn $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
FearTheVillain3 $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
Jake78N $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
Cuthraxys $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
Intoner Alice $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
Tennem $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
R4NG3 $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
PokerFacowaty $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
jakeman951 $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
Fearful_was_taken $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
Dilla $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
marmufa $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
Smev $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
GreenSnowDog $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
mgln $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
leo_ze_tron $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
Taser9001 $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
Karl $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
The_Moep $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
ShaddyBadass $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
GamingOfDays $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
WitchingWillow $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
Twinkachu $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
Jovin $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
Furious_Frank $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
LynxAwakening $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
streetbackguy $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
Shadow_Doyler $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
TVS $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
eigenbasis $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
Matty $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
suriname0 $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
Cinaeth45 $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
NurseAllisonRose $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
Xalar $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
JoofCompass $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
FlamingRok $5.00 (1) $5.00/$5.00
FPaul $4.00 (3) $1.77/$1.33
Civ $3.00 (1) $3.00/$3.00
Tayman $2.00 (1) $2.00/$2.00
Spruce $2.00 (1) $2.00/$2.00
A king boosted $2.00 (1) $2.00/$2.00
Swampert_Tube $2.00 (2) $1.00/$1.00
Shoshi19 $2.00 (2) $1.00/$1.00
Kobayashi_Dess $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Maralina $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Senydro $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
ProcrastinationTV $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00

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