Game: Closing Ceremony
Bid: Bonus Run: Super Metroid - Single Bingo By Palmymkgames Total: $200.00 Goal: $200.00

If hit, our very own Palmy will do a Bonus Run of Super Metroid.
NameAscDsc Time ReceivedAscDsc AmountAscDsc
Kralj Sombra 2020-06-01T10:27:52.007068+02:00 $110.00
Indy 2020-06-01T09:37:37.416151+02:00 $20.00
Kralj Sombra 2020-06-01T09:08:33.384432+02:00 $25.00
Jack Of Hearts 2020-06-01T03:53:11.316841+02:00 $10.00
unoPlox 2020-06-01T03:50:50.782709+02:00 $10.00
hedweg 2020-06-01T03:13:56.029621+02:00 $10.00
HabKeineName 2020-06-01T02:59:23.384073+02:00 $5.00
Pikastroff 2020-06-01T01:52:45.428743+02:00 $10.00

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